Grow Token update #1
3 min readOct 18, 2020
The first 36 hours of Grow Token have been a rollercoaster. We are happy to see that we are developing a great community. Several Logo’s have been received and have been taken into consideration. The logo below will serve as our first official logo!
- The website will be basic at first, providing information about the project. We intend to finish this soon (<48 hours). We already got the domain name and a web developer. If the future developements of the project requires a different website we will facilitate that.
- After the website launch we will start running Unibot ads to gather people from different communities and teach them about the Grow Token and the perks of being on the Binance Smart Chain.
- Bounty: If anyone can make a bot like UniBot for Grow Token please PM an admin.
- Next up will be NFT farming implementation. This will increase the liquidity of Grow Token and gives holding Grow Token a purpose by collecting rare and valuable NFTs. This also requires a different template for our website. We are talking to a full stack developer about helping the Grow team to implement this.
- We are working on getting a full stack developer to design our customized DAO. For ERC20 there are plug and play solutions, since BSC is still upcoming we need to custom build our DAO. Currently we are in contact with a potential full stack developer regarding this matter. More in the next update.
- Out of the 1.5% transactional fee: 1% will be used to provide liquidity (0.5% will be sold to BNB and then restaked, 0.5% will be re-added to the LP pool alongside that BNB). 0.5% will be burned forever. We will use this address for the burns:
- Some people have trouble selling tokens. Try selling rounded numbers (no decimals). If you encounter any issues up the slippage or sell in two batches.
Grow Token liquidity
- Initially 100 BNB got added into the liquidity pair GROW/BNB these LP tokens have been burned. Check the burned tokens Here.
- On October 17th the first batch of Tax got added to the liquidity. These LP tokens were also burned.
- On a daily basis we will add liquidity;
- Several community members are providing liquidity as well; thank for that!
Telegram Indonesia:
Website: to be announced
Let’s Grow Together